Full band rehearsal at Richmonds social club, warrington
Full band rehearsal at Richmonds social club, warrington
Recording the Demo at Whitby Studio - 10.2.13
Ant manning the 'Millennium Falcon' console
Paj in the recording booth
Seedy, laying down the baseline for 'Plastic man'
Phil and our technician Ian, double tracking the solo lead parts for Plight
Rich, during the recording of 'Plastic man'
Ant, on the drums during 'Plight'
Paj, recording 'Plastic man'
Rich, recording 'Plight'
Phil, feeding his Tamagochi
Seedy, arms folded looking serious
Rich, arms folded looking less serious
Ant, hands on hips... means business
Phil, admiring the 'Millennium Falcon's' console
Paj, recording the vocals for 'Plastic man'